Friday, November 2, 2007

Shopping With Mom By: K.T.

Shopping with mom

“Oh what a beautiful day” I said as I woke up and yawned. It was a bright sunny morning. With clouds every where and the sun was coming up. I sat up and looked out the window.
Mom called me out to breakfast. My breakfast was good. I thanked my mom and went to play upstairs. After a long time my mom called me out. She asked me if I wanted to go to the mall. I sort of yelled, “Yes.” Then we got up and went out the door.
It was a long drive. I fell asleep half way. When we got there I woke up. I saw the huge mall. I felt tired when we got there, but I wanted to go in so I didn’t say anything.
We went to the boy’s area first. We always go there first. I asked my mom, “ Why are we in the boy’s area?” Then I get bored and I asked my mom if we could go to the girl’s area. Then my mom always said, “ In a minute.” Then we went to the girl’s area and we picked some clothes for me. I am always tired after we go.



Anonymous said...

Shopping always tires me out too, especially if I'm shopping for other people. Keep up the good work!
Mrs. Minigell

Anonymous said...

I love the begginging of your story. It is so descriptive. Your friend Sam!!